The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care 保险业提出了自己的全民医疗保健方案。
The insurance industry is all about managing and minimizing risks. 保险行业的全部意义就是管理和最小化风险。
The insurance industry is one of the fastest developing industries in the global economy. 保险行业是全球经济中发展最快的行业之一。
This section describes how Adobe and IBM products can be used together in a solution that provides flexible, efficient services to online customers in the insurance industry. 该部分描述了Adobe和IBM产品如何能被共同用于解决方案中,该解决方案在保险业中为在线的客户提供了灵活、高效的服务。
Take the example of a Claim service in the insurance industry. 以保险业中的索赔服务为例。
Key state-owned insurance firms were reorganized and went public, promoting rapid development of the insurance industry. 重点国有保险企业重组改制上市,促进了保险业迅速发展。
Bermuda's insurance industry is one example, as are fund management centres in Dublin and Luxembourg. 百慕大的保险业就是一个例子,都柏林和卢森堡的基金管理中心也是如此。
The Million Dollar Round Table is an association of leading sales professionals in the life insurance industry. 全球百万圆桌会议是一个全世界寿险业的顶级专业的联合会。
For example, the insurance industry recently held a safety event near Washington for teen drivers. 例如,保险业最近在华盛顿附近举行了青少年司机安全驾驶活动。
With china's entry into wto, Chinese insurance industry and native insurance companies will be confronted with many difficulties and problems. 随着中国加入世贸组织,中国保险业和民族保险公司将面临诸多困难与问题。
Certainly, this is a big opportunity for the insurance industry. 当然,对保险业而言,这是一个重大机遇。
We should also rectify and standardize the insurance market to promote the sound development of the insurance industry. 整顿和规范保险市场,促进保险业健康发展。
Actuary is essential to the insurance industry. 精算是保险业经营发展的灵魂。
China's insurance industry grew steadily in the first half this year. 中国保险业今年上半年保持稳定增长。
Taiping insurance companies Zhuhai Zhuhai center set up last year within the insurance industry a new army. 太平保险珠海中心支公司是珠海市去年成立的一支保险业新军。
With the rapid development of china's insurance industry, there is a problem of the imbalance of regional development in domestic insurance market, which has adverse influences on the sustainable development of china's insurance industry. 摘要中国保险业在高速增长的同时,出现了保险市场区域发展不平衡的问题,对我国民族保险业的可持续发展产生了不利影响。
Structure Conduct and Performance of China Life Insurance Industry 中国人身保险产业市场结构、行为和绩效研究
More strongly worded and that the problem has already threatened the integrity of the foundation of the insurance industry. 更为言重地说,诚信问题已经威胁到了保险行业的根基。
Both Citigroup and MetLife pointed to the consolidation of America's insurance industry as justification for the deal. 花旗集团和大都会人寿都说,他们间的交易是顺应了美国保险业合并后做大做强的潮流。
It had an impact on the airline industry and the tourism industry and the insurance industry. 它对于航空业、旅游业和保险业都有重大影响。
Legal Study on Reforming the Personal Marketing System in Our Country's Life Insurance Industry 改革我国寿险个人营销制度的法律研究
To prevent overpaying for policyholders 'losses, the insurance industry has established a rule of indemnity. 为防止对投保人所受损失的超额赔付,保险公司已建立了一套赔偿规则。
That will doubtless be the next frontier for the Chinese insurance industry: underwriting the diseases of Chinese prosperity. 为富贵病提供保险,无疑将是中国保险业的下一个战场。
We will continue reforming the insurance industry and expand the insurance market. 继续推进保险业改革,大力发展保险市场。
In recent years, the development of the insurance industry in Guangdong has achieved results, the breadth and depth of insurance have reached an unprecedented extent. 近年来,广东保险业的发展取得了举世瞩目的成果,保险的广度和深度都达到了前所未有的程度。
The use of insurance funds is an important pillar to the development of insurance industry, which influences the insurance company's management directly. 保险资金运用是保险业生存发展的重要支柱,直接影响着保险公司的稳健经营和健康发展。
Evaluation on Scale Efficiency and Scale Economy of Our Country's Insurance Industry 我国保险业的规模效率和规模经济估算
The insurance industry has been a key provider of provident fund and retirement scheme services in Hong Kong. 保险界一向是香港公积金和退休计划服务的主要提供帮。
The insurance industry sound development benefits economic growth and improves the social welfare state. 保险业的健康发展有助于加快经济增长并改善社会福利状态;
There are great difference between the domestic and world life insurance industry in Jilin Province. 吉林省寿险业与国内平均水平、世界平均水平相比都存在很大差距。